Proteniates zinc contained in HipreGut effectively controls diarrhea and microfibers act as prebiotcs in the intestinal to help stabilize microbial flora.
1) Work to the diarrhea origin in overall GIT from upper stomach to colon
2) Small amount Zinc effectively works on bacteria causing diarrhea
3) Micro fiber, a product of high technology, wort as antidiarrheal agent
and prebiotics simultaneously
4) Economically feasible and safe to use
5) Improve intestinal condition sustainably because synergist is maximize
capacity of micro fiber
1) Prevent diarrhea and promote growth
2) Improve intestinal condition and increase digestibility
3) Improve condition of feces, environment of animal house
4) Increase weight gain and improve FCR
5) Increase GIT immunity
□ Mix appropriate amount in feed properly.
*Please consult with Daeho about appropriate amount.